Support Communities United With Hope

"If the money donated helps ONE kinship or grandfamily, we have done our job."

 - Communities United With Hope

CUWH Phone Number: 203-524-3552


Help us provide comfort, care, and assistance to Grandfamilies and Kinship Guardianship families. Click our Go Fund Me Page link below to make a difference!

thank you!


If you are a Business  looking to partner with us by making a generous donation Please pay through our paypal link below!  

Thank you!


Want to shop and help at the same time?  We have partnered wtih Boon Supply because they beleive in giving back just as much as we do!  Check out cute homegoods, eco and child friendly kitchen accessories, reusable shopping bags, etc. in return of what you buy, A portion of your personal purchase will go towards CUWH in jump starting our services!